A theoretical model of one-dimensional (1D) hierarchical metacomposite with internal resonators was proposed to generate negative effective mass over specific frequency ranges. Different from the single-resonator microstructure, the current hierarchical metamaterial with multilevel resonators was constructed by a series of springs and rigid bodies. The general formula of the current hierarchical metamaterial model was induced to reveal the relationship between the effective mass and the forcing frequency. It is found that the hierarchical metamaterial with multilevel resonators generates multifrequency band gaps with negative effective masses. The number of the band gaps equals to the order of the hierarchy. The total bandwidth for the negative effective mass increases with the hierarchy, meanwhile increasing the mass ratio can also obviously increase the bandwidth generating negative effective mass.
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March 2015
Negative Effective Mass Density of One-Dimensional Hierarchical Metacomposite
Xiyue An,
Xiyue An
Laboratory of Structural Analysis
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
Hohai University
,Nanjing 210098
, China
State Key Laboratory of Mechanics
and Control of Mechanical Structures,
and Control of Mechanical Structures,
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
,Nanjing 210016
, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Fangfang Sun,
Fangfang Sun
Laboratory of Structural Analysis
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
Hohai University
,Nanjing 210098
, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Peishi Yu,
Peishi Yu
Laboratory of Structural Analysis
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
Hohai University
,Nanjing 210098
, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Hualin Fan,
Hualin Fan
Laboratory of Structural Analysis
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
Hohai University
,Nanjing 210098
, China
SINOPEC Key Laboratory of Geophysics,
e-mail: fhl02@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
SINOPEC Geophysical Research Institute
,Nanjing 211103
, China
e-mail: fhl02@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
1Corresponding authors.
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Daining Fang
Daining Fang
1Corresponding authors.
Search for other works by this author on:
Xiyue An
Laboratory of Structural Analysis
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
Hohai University
,Nanjing 210098
, China
State Key Laboratory of Mechanics
and Control of Mechanical Structures,
and Control of Mechanical Structures,
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
,Nanjing 210016
, China
Fangfang Sun
Laboratory of Structural Analysis
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
Hohai University
,Nanjing 210098
, China
Peishi Yu
Laboratory of Structural Analysis
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
Hohai University
,Nanjing 210098
, China
Hualin Fan
Laboratory of Structural Analysis
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
for Defense Engineering and Equipment,
College of Mechanics and Materials,
Hohai University
,Nanjing 210098
, China
SINOPEC Key Laboratory of Geophysics,
e-mail: fhl02@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
SINOPEC Geophysical Research Institute
,Nanjing 211103
, China
e-mail: fhl02@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Shiping He
Daining Fang
1Corresponding authors.
Manuscript received October 22, 2014; final manuscript received December 26, 2014; published online January 23, 2015. Editor: Yonggang Huang.
J. Appl. Mech. Mar 2015, 82(3): 031002 (8 pages)
Published Online: March 1, 2015
Article history
October 22, 2014
Revision Received:
December 26, 2014
January 23, 2015
An, X., Sun, F., Yu, P., Fan, H., He, S., and Fang, D. (March 1, 2015). "Negative Effective Mass Density of One-Dimensional Hierarchical Metacomposite." ASME. J. Appl. Mech. March 2015; 82(3): 031002. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4029488
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