Mechanical and electrical properties of the Au-Al intermetallics layer were compared to the Cu-Al intermetallics layer. A thermal aging test was used to expedite the formation and growth of the intermetallics layer. Dynamic hardness, surface hardness, and intermetallic thickness of both bonding systems was compared. Unencapsulated samples were subjected to a ball shear test while encapsulated samples were electrically tested. Results showed that the Cu-Al intermetallics layer is relatively harder than Au-Al. Both intermetallic thicknesses grow linearly at about 18.0 and 0.07 nm/h, respectively, but the Au-Al intermetallic layer is 20 times thicker than Cu-Al before the aging test. The 1.5-μm growth of Au-Al intermetallic thickness acquired an additional shear force of 160 gf. The threshold value of the intermetallics layer thickness for the Au-Al and Cu-Al bonding system is 3.8 and 0.14 μm, respectively, before it shows degradation in shear force. Electrical resistance for the Au-Al system is higher than the Cu-Al system, especially at higher aging readout points.
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December 2003
Technical Papers
Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Au-Al and Cu-Al Intermetallics Layer at Wire Bonding Interface
Tan Chee Wei,
Tan Chee Wei
School of Applied Physics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
ON Semiconductor, SCG Ind. (M) Sdn. Bhd., Seremban, Malaysia
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Abdul Razak Daud
Abdul Razak Daud
School of Applied Physics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
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Tan Chee Wei
School of Applied Physics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
ON Semiconductor, SCG Ind. (M) Sdn. Bhd., Seremban, Malaysia
Abdul Razak Daud
School of Applied Physics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Contributed by the Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC PACKAGING. Manuscript received February 2003. Associate Editor: E. Suhir.
J. Electron. Packag. Dec 2003, 125(4): 617-620 (4 pages)
Published Online: December 15, 2003
Article history
February 1, 2003
December 15, 2003
Wei, T. C., and Daud, A. R. (December 15, 2003). "Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Au-Al and Cu-Al Intermetallics Layer at Wire Bonding Interface ." ASME. J. Electron. Packag. December 2003; 125(4): 617–620.
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