Presented in this paper is a computational investigation of subsonic and transonic flows past three-dimensional deep and transitional cavities. Simulations of these self-induced oscillatory flows have been generated through time-accurate solutions of the Reynolds averaged, full Navier-Stokes equations, using the explicit MacCormack scheme. The Reynolds stresses have been included through the Baldwin-Lomax algebraic turbulence model with certain modifications. The computational results include instantaneous and time averaged flow properties. The results of an experimental investigation have been used not only to validate the time-averaged results, but also to investigate the effects of varying the Mach number and the incoming boundary-layer thickness. Time series analyses have been performed for the instantaneous pressure values on the cavity floor and compared with the results obtained by a predictive formula. While most of the comparisons have been favorable, some discrepancies have been observed, particularly on the rear face. The present results help understanding the three-dimensional and unsteady features of the separations, vortices, the shear layer, as well as some of the aeroacoustic phenomena of compressible cavity flows.

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