This paper presents the results of a study using coarse grids to analyze the flow in the impellers of an axial flow pump and a mixed flow pump. A commercial CFD code (FLOTRAN) is used to solve the 3-D Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equations in a rotating cylindrical coordinate system. The standard k−ε turbulence model is used. The meshes for this study use 22,000 nodes and 40,000 nodes for the axial flow impeller, and 26,000 nodes for the mixed flow impeller. Both models are run on a SPARCstation 20. This is in contrast to typical analyses using in excess of 100,000 nodes. The smaller mesh size has advantages in the design environment. Stage design parameters for the axial flow impeller are, rotational speed 870 rpm, flow coefficient ϕ=0.13, head coefficient ψ=0.06, and specific speed 2.97 (8101 US). For the mixed flow impeller the parameters are, rotational speed 890 rpm, flow coefficient ϕ=0.116, head coefficient ψ=0.094, and specific speed 2.01 (5475 US). Evaluation of the models is based on a comparison of circumferentially averaged results to measured data for the same impeller. Comparisons to measured data include axial and tangential velocities, static pressure, and total pressure. A comparison between the coarse and fine meshes for the axial flow impeller is included. Results of this study show that the computational results closely match the shapes and magnitudes of the measured profiles, indicating that coarse CFD models can be used to accurately predict performance. [S0098-2202(00)02202-1]
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June 2000
Technical Papers
Evaluation of Blade Passage Analysis Using Coarse Grids
Steven M. Miner, Associate Professor,
Steven M. Miner, Associate Professor,
Mechanical Engineering Department, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402
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Steven M. Miner, Associate Professor,
Mechanical Engineering Department, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division March 22, 1999; revised manuscript received February 10, 2000. Associate Technical Editor: D. P. Telionis.
J. Fluids Eng. Jun 2000, 122(2): 345-348 (4 pages)
Published Online: February 10, 2000
Article history
March 22, 1999
February 10, 2000
Miner, S. M. (February 10, 2000). "Evaluation of Blade Passage Analysis Using Coarse Grids ." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. June 2000; 122(2): 345–348.
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