Although new, modern gas turbine power station with its control and supervisory systems are more complex than ten years ago, Brown Boveri still uses the same commissioning procedure, because of the good experience gained throughout the years. The main features are that: One commissioning engineer is responsible for the whole plant and is trained to commission all systems by himself. Specific records are provided for every unit with all settings, characteristics and special instructions in addition to general instructions, settings and characteristics. The paper explains the sequence of the works and gives an insight into: (1) Checks, tests and adjustments before shipping, (2) Commissioning work on site, (3) Commissioning schedule, (4) Commissioning personnel schedule; (5) Instrumentation and measuring equipment on site, (6) Paper work on site, reporting, (7) Acceptance tests/provisional acceptance, (8) Instruction of customer’s personnel, (9) Supervision during initial period of operation, service engineer.

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