This work deals with the influence of roughness on high-pressure steam turbine stages. It is divided in three parts. In the first one, an experimental campaign on a linear cascade is described, in which blade losses are measured for different values of surface roughness and in a range of Reynolds numbers of practical interest. The second part is devoted to the basic aspects of the numerical approach and consists of a detailed discussion of the roughness models used for computations. The fidelity of such models is then tested against measurements, thus allowing their fine-tuning and proving their reliability. Finally, comprehensive computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is carried out on a high-pressure stage, in order to investigate the influence of roughness on the losses over the entire stage operating envelope. Unsteady effects that may affect the influence of the roughness, such as the upcoming wakes on the rotor blade, are taken into account, and the impact of transition-related aspects on the losses is discussed.
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January 2015
The Influence of Roughness on a High-Pressure Steam Turbine Stage: An Experimental and Numerical Study
Juri Bellucci,
Juri Bellucci
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta, 3
,Florence 50139
, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Filippo Rubechini,
Filippo Rubechini
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta, 3
,Florence 50139
, Italy
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Michele Marconcini,
Michele Marconcini
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta, 3
,Florence 50139
, Italy
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Andrea Arnone,
Andrea Arnone
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta, 3
,Florence 50139
, Italy
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Lorenzo Arcangeli,
Lorenzo Arcangeli
GE Oil & Gas
,via Felice Matteucci, 2
,Florence 50127
, Italy
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Nicola Maceli,
Nicola Maceli
GE Oil & Gas
,via Felice Matteucci, 2
,Florence 50127
, Italy
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Vincenzo Dossena
Vincenzo Dossena
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano
,via Lambruschini, 4
,Milan 20158
, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Juri Bellucci
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta, 3
,Florence 50139
, Italy
Filippo Rubechini
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta, 3
,Florence 50139
, Italy
Michele Marconcini
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta, 3
,Florence 50139
, Italy
Andrea Arnone
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta, 3
,Florence 50139
, Italy
Lorenzo Arcangeli
GE Oil & Gas
,via Felice Matteucci, 2
,Florence 50127
, Italy
Nicola Maceli
GE Oil & Gas
,via Felice Matteucci, 2
,Florence 50127
, Italy
Vincenzo Dossena
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano
,via Lambruschini, 4
,Milan 20158
, Italy
Contributed by the Turbomachinery Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received May 9, 2014; final manuscript received July 7, 2014; published online August 26, 2014. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jan 2015, 137(1): 012602 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 26, 2014
Article history
May 9, 2014
Revision Received:
July 7, 2014
Bellucci, J., Rubechini, F., Marconcini, M., Arnone, A., Arcangeli, L., Maceli, N., and Dossena, V. (August 26, 2014). "The Influence of Roughness on a High-Pressure Steam Turbine Stage: An Experimental and Numerical Study." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. January 2015; 137(1): 012602.
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