Hyper-redundant robots are characterized by the presence of a large number of actuated joints, a lot more than the number required to perform a given task. These robots have been proposed and used for many applications involving avoiding obstacles or, in general, to provide enhanced dexterity in performing tasks. Making effective use of the extra degrees-of-freedom or resolution of redundancy has been an extensive topic of research and several methods have been proposed in literature. In this paper, we compare three known methods and show that an algorithm based on a classical curve, called the tractrix, leads to a more “natural” motion of the hyper-redundant robot with the displacements diminishing from the end-effector to the fixed base. In addition, since the actuators nearer the base “see” a greater inertia due to the links farther away, smaller motion of the actuators nearer the base results in better motion of the end-effector as compared with other two approaches. We present simulation and experimental results performed on a prototype eight-link planar hyper-redundant manipulator.
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August 2010
Research Papers
Redundancy Resolution Using Tractrix—Simulations and Experiments
Ashitava Ghosal
Ashitava Ghosal
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
e-mail: asitava@mecheng.iisc.ernet.in
Indian Institute of Science
, Bangalore 560012, India
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V. C. Ravi
Subrata Rakshit
Ashitava Ghosal
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science
, Bangalore 560012, Indiae-mail: asitava@mecheng.iisc.ernet.in
J. Mechanisms Robotics. Aug 2010, 2(3): 031013 (7 pages)
Published Online: July 23, 2010
Article history
August 26, 2009
March 3, 2010
July 23, 2010
July 23, 2010
Ravi, V. C., Rakshit, S., and Ghosal, A. (July 23, 2010). "Redundancy Resolution Using Tractrix—Simulations and Experiments." ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics. August 2010; 2(3): 031013. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4001777
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