A vacuum-induced salt transfer and storage (VISTAS) system is being evaluated to improve transfer and storage of molten electrorefiner (ER) salts at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Salt is transferred by vacuum through a heated drawtube into a storage container. To control salt flow, a redundant level switch triggered by salt thermal conductivity and a preset temperature threshold activate a solenoid, stopping argon supply to the vacuum pump. A fail-safe cooling coil freezes the salt, halting its flow if the level switch malfunctions. The VISTAS system allows safe, timely salt transfer and reduces the storage footprint of current salt-removal methods.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
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, S. M.
, Moschetti
, T. L.
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, 2001
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, 2006
, “The Ceramic Waste Form Process at the Idaho National Laboratory
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, Idaho National Laboratory
, Idaho Falls, ID
.Copyright @ 2017 by ASME
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