In order to achieve more accurate predictions of unsteady flow in a transonic compressor rotor an existing numerical approach has been modified by incorporating a turbulence model. The computations are performed by solving the complete time-dependent compressible Navier–Stokes equations using MacCormack’s explicit finite difference algorithm. These equations are solved for the flow through two adjacent rotor blades at a streamsurface near the blade tip subjected to the wakes emitted from upstream stators. At this radial location the flow enters the blade passage at an absolute Mach number of 0.66. The high blade curvature at this radial location produces a large region of separated flow on the suction surface with laminar flow. To more accurately resolve the features of this flow separation the Baldwin–Lomax algebraic eddy-viscosity turbulence model is incorporated into the numerical procedure in regions near the blade surface. The unsteady flow features are represented at the inflow boundary through the use of characteristic variables involving the upstream and downstream running Riemann invariants and the entropy variation expressed in terms of the total pressure profile. At the outflow boundary the concept of a “second throat” or choke point is implemented in conjunction with supersonic outflow conditions. The results are compared with numerical results obtained without the use of a turbulence model (laminar) for a single blade passage. Improved agreement with limited experimental data is also noted.
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October 1986
Research Papers
Navier–Stokes Solutions of Unsteady Flow in a Compressor Rotor
W. L. Hankey, Jr.
W. L. Hankey, Jr.
Wright State University, Dayton, OH
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J. N. Scott
University of Dayton, Dayton, OH
W. L. Hankey, Jr.
Wright State University, Dayton, OH
J. Turbomach. Oct 1986, 108(2): 206-215 (10 pages)
Published Online: October 1, 1986
Article history
February 14, 1986
November 9, 2009
Scott, J. N., and Hankey, W. L., Jr. (October 1, 1986). "Navier–Stokes Solutions of Unsteady Flow in a Compressor Rotor." ASME. J. Turbomach. October 1986; 108(2): 206–215.
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