This paper presents an effective design approach for reducing the weight of a flexible rotor in ball bearings with rotational speed and load dependent stiffness characteristics under constraints on the system eigenvalues and bearing fatigue life. Design variables are chosen to be the inner radii of shaft elements, the positions of ball bearings, and the preloads on the bearings. The stiffness characteristics of high speed ball bearings are completely described as functions of applied loads and spin speed, and applied to the dynamic behavior analysis of a rotor-bearing system. A transfer matrix method is used to obtain eigenvalues of the system and an augmented Lagrange multiplier (ALM) method is employed as an optimization technique. A multi-stepped rotor supported by two angular contact ball bearings is analyzed and designed to show the speed and load dependent stiffness effect on the system dynamic behavior and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimum design approach. The results show that the effect of the stiffness on the system dynamic behavior is noticeable and that the suggested design approach is effective. [S0739-3717(00)00803-5]
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July 2000
Technical Papers
Reduced Weight Design of a Flexible Rotor with Ball Bearing Stiffness Characteristics Varying with Rotational Speed and Load
Dong-Soo Lee, Senior Research Engineer,,
Dong-Soo Lee, Senior Research Engineer,
Engine R&D Center, Engine and Material Division, Daewoo Heavy Industries LTD., Inchon 401-010, South Korea
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Dong-Hoon Choi, Professor,
Dong-Hoon Choi, Professor,
Dept. of Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, South Korea
Search for other works by this author on:
Dong-Soo Lee, Senior Research Engineer,
Engine R&D Center, Engine and Material Division, Daewoo Heavy Industries LTD., Inchon 401-010, South Korea
Dong-Hoon Choi, Professor,
Dept. of Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, South Korea
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received February 1997; revised February 2000. Associate Technical Editor: C. Pierre.
J. Vib. Acoust. Jul 2000, 122(3): 203-208 (6 pages)
Published Online: February 1, 2000
Article history
February 1, 1997
February 1, 2000
Lee, D., and Choi, D. (February 1, 2000). "Reduced Weight Design of a Flexible Rotor with Ball Bearing Stiffness Characteristics Varying with Rotational Speed and Load ." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. July 2000; 122(3): 203–208.
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