This paper presents the findings of an investigation on the use of several blade-tip configurations (modified by the addition of various end plates at the blade tip) for passive noise control in industrial fans. Utilizing an experimental technique developed to investigate noise sources along the radius of the blades, together with cross-correlation and coherence analyses of the near field and far field, the modified blade-tip configurations are shown to reduce the rotor-only aeroacoustic signature of the fan as a direct consequence of changes induced in tip-leakage flow behavior. These changes in the nature of flow mechanisms in the region of the blade tip are correlated with the spanwise noise sources, and their role in the creation of overall acoustic emissions is thus clarified. The tip-leakage flow structures are analyzed to identify their contribution to overall noise and interaction with other noise sources. Coherence spectra are also analyzed to investigate the relevance of the noise sources. The cross-correlations reveal distinctive acoustic signatures that are described in detail. The methodology has been demonstrated to be effective in identifying (i) the blade-tip configuration with the best acoustic performance, and (ii) other significant noise sources along the blade span. The modified tip configurations are shown to have a significant effect on the multiple vortex behavior of leakage flow, especially with respect to the near-wall fluid-flow paths on both blade surfaces. The reduction in fan acoustic emissions is assessed and correlated with the control of tip-leakage flows achieved by the modified blade tips.
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December 2009
Research Papers
Experimental Aeroacoustic Studies on Improved Tip Configurations for Passive Control of Noise Signatures in Low-Speed Axial Fans
Stefano Bianchi,
Stefano Bianchi
Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica,
Sapienza University of Rome
, Via Eudossiana, Rome 18 I-00184, Italy
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Alessandro Corsini,
Alessandro Corsini
Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica,
Sapienza University of Rome
, Via Eudossiana, Rome 18 I-00184, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Franco Rispoli,
Franco Rispoli
Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica,
Sapienza University of Rome
, Via Eudossiana, Rome 18 I-00184, Italy
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Anthony G. Sheard
Anthony G. Sheard
Fläkt Woods Limited
, Axial Way, Colchester CO4 5AR, UK
Search for other works by this author on:
Stefano Bianchi
Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica,
Sapienza University of Rome
, Via Eudossiana, Rome 18 I-00184, Italy
Alessandro Corsini
Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica,
Sapienza University of Rome
, Via Eudossiana, Rome 18 I-00184, Italy
Franco Rispoli
Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica,
Sapienza University of Rome
, Via Eudossiana, Rome 18 I-00184, Italy
Anthony G. Sheard
Fläkt Woods Limited
, Axial Way, Colchester CO4 5AR, UKJ. Vib. Acoust. Dec 2009, 131(6): 061007 (10 pages)
Published Online: November 18, 2009
Article history
March 18, 2008
July 21, 2009
November 18, 2009
November 18, 2009
Bianchi, S., Corsini, A., Rispoli, F., and Sheard, A. G. (November 18, 2009). "Experimental Aeroacoustic Studies on Improved Tip Configurations for Passive Control of Noise Signatures in Low-Speed Axial Fans." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. December 2009; 131(6): 061007.
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